Sunday, 3 June 2007


June 3, 2007: "Lady Michelle" was signed over to her new owners on the 26th April in international waters south of Mississippi. We then delivered the yacht to Fort Lauderdale after a quick stop in Cat Cay, Bahamas. The trip went very well considering the terrible sea conditions and the were no technical problems to speak of. After two days of crazy cleaning up and finalizing systems, "Lady Michelle" now sits proudly in Florida looking amazing!

After a week long maiden cruise in the Bahamas, LM will be loaded onto the Dockwise transport ship on 12 June and sent to Europe in preparation for a fully booked charter season.

A huge thank you must go out to all at Trinity Yachts, to all our sub contractors and to our crew for putting in such a huge effort during the final phase of construction in order to get LM delivered on time. Thank you to everyone involved.