Thursday, 23 August 2007

Dockwalk Article

Article from the latest Dockwalk. "Lady Michelle's" bow on the cover (above). Click on the pic below to read the article.

Marine News Article

Extract from Marine News (July 2007)

Monaco Yacht Show

Lady Michelle will make her first public appearance at the Monaco Yacht Show from 19-22 September. We will be berthed at T09 (on the T-Jetty). Please feel free to stop by and say howdie if you are in the area - we always enjoy catching up with old mates.

More info on the show can be seen at:

Monday, 6 August 2007

6 August - Portofino

What a beautiful morning! Last day of a fantastic charter, and where better to spend it than Portofino. Wish you were all here:-)

Wednesday, 1 August 2007

29 July - St Tropez

What a treat while anchored outside of St Tropez - fantastic!!!

25 July - Monaco

A sad day. Our trip has come to an end and everyone is heading home. It has been a fantastic three week whirlwind maiden cruise around the Med for "Lady Michelle", her owners, guests and crew, and we all look forward to the next exciting adventure.

24 July - Monaco

Today Michael (above) and Mike visited the Oceanographic Museum in Monaco. Truly amazing. Who new that there was a full blown aquarium in the heart of this tiny city. Another "must see" to add to this list of places to visit in this area.

22 July - Portofino, Italy

Our favorite spot - Portofino. What's not to love? And actually, during our visit Michael, Gustavo and Mike go to do some diving around Portofino and we were all most impressed - we can definitely recommend giving it a try. And a big congratulations goes out to Michael for passing his exam and becoming a fully certified diver - WELL DONE OLD BOY.

20 July - Elba

Elba, another one of Napoleon's hangouts, is always a favorite stop while cruising up the coast of Corsica.

19 July - Bonnifacio, Corsica

Bonnifacio, on the SE tip of Corsica, is one of the most remarkable ports in the Mediterranean. So when we woke up to find us fogged in, it was almost like waking up in the age of Napoleon. Even young Cristofer seemed impressed.

15 July - Capri

Our guests and crew gave up the luxury of our fancy tender to brave a trip into the "Blue Grotto" aboard a fleet of rather small row boats today. In spite of having to sit on the floor of a tiny tippy boatd, everyone was amazed by the beauty of this famous landmark and most grateful for the opportunity to visit.

11 July - Palma de Mallorca

The whole crew were honoured to be invited to dinner with "Lady Michelle's" owners and guests tonight. We had a fantastic time in the old town of Palma, and enjoyed getting to know everyone better. Thank you for a wonderful evening.

7 July - Golfe de Leone

While cruising from St Tropez to Mallorca, we were privaledged to observe a family of whales for about a half hour - what an awsome experience.

5 July - Antibes

A fantastic day of watersports was enjoyed by all while anchored off Antibes. Michael gets 9 out of 10 for style for his high dive, while Mr C gets 10 out of 10 for his spectacular wipeout from the tube - sorry Michael.