Monday, 23 April 2007

Quiet Week

April 18, 2007: Not much to report this week. We are back ashore in the paint shed to complete the final paint work on the hull. We are also finalizing the marble installation and expect carpets and furniture next week. Everything is progressing well and on schedule.


April 11, 2007: Yesterday “Lady Michelle” left the dock for the first time and cruised down the river to spend a day on the Gulf of Mexico carrying out seatrials. The idea for this first round of trials was to run through the fundamental systems and to ensure that everything runs correctly out of the box. In spite of less than perfect weather condition’s “Lady Michelle” passed her first test with flying colors. More photos can be seen in the photo section.


March 22, 2007: A while back we started the routine of giving all the troops working on "Lady Michelle" donuts for their morning tea once a week, which seems to have become quite popular amongst the guys. This week chef George stepped it up a notch and baked 8 dozen home made cinnamon buns which were a huge hit - well done George!